Cats get Asthma too
Sometimes we cats get sick. We are not so dissimilar to our human guardians in this way. We can also get something the human-cat doctors call Asthma. Here I will talk a little about this condition in the hope it helps you understand the signs and symptoms. If you are concerned about your cat in any way, you should get it checked out by the human-cat doctor, just to be sure as leaving Asthma in Cats if untreated can lead to permanent damage to our lungs and heart. We don’t want that. Our human-cat doctors call themselves veterinarians and they are super knowledgable about us cats.
Asthma in cats is an immune disease. Symptoms range from infrequent coughing, a little like when we bring up a hairball, to sudden respiratory distress, our human-cat doctors call this acute dyspnea. Episodes are usually triggered by allergens or stress and can be accompanied
Your cat will most likely need an x-ray, and possibly
Treatment of cat asthma usually includes short or long- term use of corticosteroids and bronchodilators. Long term prognosis for Asthma is generally excellent if diagnosed early. To help your cat, try removing allergens from your
All this could possibly help to relieve symptoms for your cat but it is always best to take the advice of your cat doctor. You might want to also try some Bert’s Bees dander reducing spray, it helps you as well as your feline friend. I would stay away from wet wipes for obvious environmental reasons. Click on the link now or on the picture for more information.